How To Successfully Detach Yourself From Others

A step by step guide to emotional freedom!

Karin Cho
4 min readJul 5, 2022
Photo by Mohamed Nohassion Unsplash

An emotional attachment is one of the most powerful elements within any relationship. The state of being deeply attached can cause major issues if the relationship is inflicting severe physical, emotional, or mental pain. Attachment is the reason why so many people stay in abusive relationships and endure the mistreatment they are faced with. So the question then becomes, how do I detach myself from someone who is causing me pain?

First, remind yourself that attachment does not equate to love. It may feel like love because there is such a strong connection that is bounding you to this other person, but there is a clear difference between being attached vs. being in love. This distinction is important because it can properly narrate what is truly at stake and change your overall perception of the situation.

Next, ask yourself why you feel so devoted towards this individual. What about them makes you tolerate the unfair treatment, if there is any. Why do you stay with them, other than attachment? How long have you felt this way? These questions will expand your knowledge on your situation. Perhaps, there is something about your self-worth that is at play or maybe you stay because you truly believe you cannot do better. These are important…



Karin Cho

Author of “Moonlight Confessions” now available on Amazon! Email: • IG: @seoulstrawberry